(5 Things to Know About Sleep and Mental Health by Dr. Kawish Garg, board-certified psychiatrist specializing in sleep medicine at Keystone Behavioral Health, first appeared in the Public Opinion Newspaper in January 2014. To read it online, visit www.publicopiniononline.com.)
Skipping out on sleep can harm mental health more than you think. Here are some things to think about when it comes to getting enough sleep and when to talk to your doctor if you can’t.
The benefits of sleep
Sleep is very important to feel rested. It gives the brain an opportunity to restore energy used while awake. Sleep aids memory, emotional resilience, and secretion of hormones that are responsible for important physiological functions of the body. It’s also important for emotional and mental health. In fact, sleep problems can lead to increased risk of depression, anxiety, ADHD, and bipolar disorder.
Lack of sleep causes health problems
Sleep affects the part of the brain that plays a critical role in emotional processing. When we don’t get enough sleep, we are tired, have trouble concentrating, are at increased risk for accidents, and can be impulsive, aggressive or irritable. Ongoing sleep problems can increase the risk of depression, high blood pressure, Diabetes, and obesity.
What prevents you from sleeping?
Common causes of sleep problems are rotating shifts, workload, working long hours, and use of electronics at nighttime. To improve sleep, go to bed and get up at the same time each day, avoid caffeine 4 to 5 hours before bed, and use a dim light throughout the house in the evening. Avoid heavy meals, exercise, and alcohol close to bed time.
Sleep aids aren’t the answer
Most over the counter sleep aids contain antihistamines which are found in allergy medications however, there is no valid research regarding their use and effectiveness long term. Antihistamines can cause drowsiness which could have drastic consequences at work, while driving or any time you need to be alert during the day. These medications can also become addictive to fall asleep.
Talk to your health care provider
There are a number of sleep disorders which can contribute to poor sleep including sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, narcolepsy, circadian rhythm sleep disorders, and insomnia. If you or a family member notice persistent sleep problems, it’s important to talk to your family physician who can refer you to a sleep specialist if needed.
Dr. Kawish Garg is a board-certified psychiatrist and specializes in sleep medicine at Keystone Behavioral Health in Chambersburg.