(Sinus Infections: It’s that time of year by Dr. David Steves, board certified physician at Keystone Urgent Care, first appeared in the January 2014 edition of the Public Opinion Newspaper – www.publicopiniononline.com.)
It’s the time of year when upper respiratory infections are common. Dr. David Steves, board certified physician at Keystone Walk In Care in Chambersburg, offers advice on how to prevent and treat this problem and the best time to seek help from a health care professional.
What is a sinus infection?
Sinus cavities are areas under the cheeks, eyebrows, and bridge of the nose. When drainage from the sinuses is blocked by anything, like allergies, colds or irritants like smoke, a sinus infection may develop. You may experience green or yellow nasal discharge, facial pressure, headache, fever or post-nasal drip. You might also have a cough with green or yellowish phlegm.
Infection brewing
To treat a sinus infection, adults can use oral decongestants and saline nasal sprays for up to 10 days to thin mucus. Be sure to read dosing instructions carefully and don’t take decongestants for longer than indicated. Children and those with high blood pressure should not take decongestants and should seek medical attention sooner than those able to take decongestants. Pain relievers and antihistamines can also help ease symptoms.
Prevent it now
The easiest way to prevent a sinus infection is to stop smoking. Nicotine paralyzes the tiny hair cells in the sinuses, called cilia, which are responsible for removing debris and bacteria that accumulate in sinuses every day. It’s also important to get plenty of rest and stay hydrated with non-carbonated fluids. Eating nutritious foods can also help your body to stay healthy and ward off illness.
Seek medical advice
If your symptoms last longer than 10 days, over the counter products aren’t working or your symptoms get worse, you should seek the advice of a health care provider. An antibiotic may be necessary or you may have a more serious problem. If you suffer from frequent or persistent infections, you may benefit from evaluation by an ear, nose, and throat specialist. Your primary care physician can give you a referral.
Click here to visit www.keystoneurgentcare.org.