(What You Need to Know About Kids and the 2016 Flu Season first appeared in the Public Opinion Newspaper.) Dr. Michael Colli, Keystone Health’s Chief Medical Officer and Medical Director of Keystone Pediatrics, says kids are most susceptible to the influenza virus and should get a flu shot this year.
What is the Flu?
The flu is a viral infection caused by the influenza virus. It causes fever, cough, headaches, sore throat, runny nose, congestion, body aches, and fatigue. Every year the flu has 3 to 4 circulating strains that can make someone ill. These strains have the potential to mutate or change from year to year. The more the strains change, the less natural immunity we have, and the more susceptible we are to contracting the illness.
This Year’s Strain
The World Health Organization compiles weekly data to determine the make-up of flu strains circulating around the globe. The most recent report suggests the current circulating strains are matched very closely to the strains contained in the flu vaccine. Last year, at this time, one of the prevalent circulating strains had mutated so the match was not as precise. In general, children are more susceptible to flu because their immune systems are less developed. Like most viruses, almost everyone will recover fully and uneventfully with time.
Treatment Measures
To help keep children comfortable, acetaminophen or Ibuprofen can help with fever and achiness. A humidifier and saline nose drops can help with congestion and children should get rest and plenty of sleep. The anti-viral medication available only by prescription, Tamiflu, can help some with severe cases. Contact a doctor immediately if your child has trouble breathing, altered mental status, inability to keep any fluids down or fever that persists longer than 3 to 4 days.
Get a Flu Shot
As children are the most susceptible for severe influenza complications, they should be the highest priority to get protection. Each year vaccine manufacturers make an educated guess as to which strains of the flu will be circulating that season. They must begin making the vaccines months before the season starts to have enough vaccine available for all who need it. Sometimes the strain can be different than anticipated.
The Importance of the Flu shot
Every year in the US about 20,000 children are hospitalized with influenza or its complications and approximately 140 children die. The best way to protect your child is a flu shot. Considering the anticipated close match between the circulating strains and the vaccine, this year would be as good as ever to protect your child with a vaccine.
Schedule your child’s flu shot today – click here to learn more. For more information about Keystone Pediatrics, click here.