(This article by Dr. Irakli Mania, board certified psychiatrist at Keystone Behavioral Health, first appeared in the Public Opinion Newspaper in 2012. Click here to read it at www.publicopiniononline.com.)
They may not be using illegal drugs like marijuana or cocaine but a growing number of people across the United States are abusing. The drugs of choice? Prescription medications. This drug abuse is using a prescription medication that was written for someone else or taking the prescription in a way that was not as it was prescribed.
Today’s families are facing this drug problem that wasn’t typical 20 years ago and it’s taking a hidden toll – addiction. Since 2009, 16 million Americans age 12 and older have used pills for a non-medical reason. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, prescription drug abuse is the fastest growing drug problem in the United States.
What drugs are abused?
Prescription medications that are commonly abused include pain killers or opiates (such as Vicodin and OxyContin), central nervous system depressants (Xanax), and stimulants (Ritalin and Adderall). One of the things that make prescription drugs so deadly is the perceived notion of safety when in fact the medications can cause dangerous side effects. For opiate users, constipation and drowsiness seem harmless but an overdose can be deadly. Depressants can cause coordination problems, tiredness, and seizures during withdrawal. Stimulants can cause paranoia from intoxication and mental health problems, while withdrawal can cause depression and suicide.
Where are the drugs?
Unlike many street drugs, prescription drugs are often obtained by sharing with or stealing from a friend or family member. Many of these medications hold the potential for abuse and need to be monitored closely and kept away from children in a secure area. Patients taking a prescription need to communicate with their doctor if they feel they are unnecessarily using the medications and can not stop.
Signs of abuse
If you suspect someone you love may be abusing prescription medications, it’s important to talk to them. Don’t ignore the issue –help them understand that you want to get them the help they need. At the earliest stages it may be difficult to tell if your loved one is using so open communication and dialogue is key. When a drug problem becomes more serious, you’ll begin to notice specific symptoms which could include weight loss and low appetite. Signs can also include truancy from school or skipping work, asking for more money than usual, disappearing, stealing, coming home late without explanation, legal problems, and DUI.
If you or your loved one has a problem, it’s important to get help as early as possible. It’s never a good idea to take a wait and see approach. Treatment for addiction is highly effective and early intervention can significantly increase success rates. Get help today.
Dr. Irakli Mania is a board certified psychiatrist at Keystone Behavioral Health at 820 Fifth Ave in Chambersburg.